Mzali Wami is a South African television drama series which revolves around Ntokozo, a girl who gets entangled in an elaborate human trafficking ring involving her biological mother. The series introduces viewers to the inner workings of a human trafficking syndicate, through the life of young Ntokozo, played by Lungelo Mpangase.Masasa Mbangeni plays Joyce, a woman whose child (Ntokozo) gets stolen at birth, only to later cross each other's paths when a human trafficking syndicate shocks the community.Dumisani Mbebe also stars as Terror, a businessman who Joyce later discovers is not the person she thought he was. Also starring are Nolwazi Shange as Sibongile, Luzuko Nkqeto as Qiniselo, Ncibijana Madlala as Godfrey and Zimkitha Kumbaca as Busisiwe.
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