In the heart of Mpumalanga, in the small town of Fransbrug, is the Fransen Hotel. Once the highlight of the small town, it now barely manages a 1 out of 5 on TripAdvisor. "Hotel" (2016) is an Afrikaans mockumentary about middle-aged manager Ferdie Kruger and his small-town staff who struggle to keep the doors of the hotel open. It is taken over by the bigger hotel group, Lourier, and young consultant Thomas van As is sent to improve the small hotel's standards. However, Ferdie's and Thomas' management skills differ, and the series follows their comic feud to put their personal mark on the hotel. The series is written by Bennie Fourie (Vuil Wasgoed) and Stiaan Smith (Sy Klink Soos Lente.)
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