Headed by legendary South African actor, Desmond Dube, the series centres around a manipulative and greedy father who uses his naïve and unsuspecting son to scam their community with a pyramid scheme called Impilo. The drama reveals how desperate people are susceptible to scams and the devastation that ensues. The storyline also explores family dynamics that are relatable and intriguing.
Impilo: The Scam combines exceptional production value with an enthralling storyline that plays on viewers’ emotions. It is a watchable drama that brings a fresh storyline to the fore that is entertaining and gripping.
Here is how the show was received on social:
After seeing the first episode of the new series, City Press were thoroughly impressed and said: “viewers are in for a treat…” Meanwhile, IOL had the following to say: “the stellar cinematography and directing speak to the calibre of talent...”
Impilo: The Scam didn’t take long to become a new fan favourite and publications alike. You can enquire about the show and view the first four episodes here.